If you suffer from “Camel Toe” then listen up as it can be avoided and should be at all cost!

If your unfamiliar of the term Camel Toe, let me clarify…..

A vaginal wedgie(“vedgie”), most commonly caused by tight pants that work their way into the crevices of the vaginia making a shape that clearly resembles a camel’s toe.

It has to be said that there is a small percentage of women, who purposely dress to show off their camel toe to attract sexual attention.  However there is a higher percentage of women of a certain age that fall victim to the dreaded “Camel Toe”.

It’s a combination of two factors:

1)Wearing jeans with a short rise, pulled up too high around the waist. (often pulled in with a belt)

2)Holding weight around the lower tummy and pubic area. (this exacerbates the problem)

Ok so here are my 4 tips on how to banish the camel toe forever.

#1: Choose a higher rise jean: The rise is the measurement from the top of the waistband down to the bottom of the crotch seam. A higher rise jean sits comfortably below your belly button covering your bottom & hip area. The common cause of camel toe is wearing a lower rise jean pulled up over the hips, cutting the crotch area in two.

#2: Find the best rise for you: With your jeans on take a tape measure and measure from the crotch seam up to two fingers below your belly button. This will give you the measurement of the rise that will be comfortable for you. Or if you don’t have a tape measure use a ribbon or a piece of string. Take this shopping with you and use it as a guide when picking out jeans to try on.

#3: Don’t go so tight: Denim with stretch can give you a false sense of security and may give the option of taking a smaller size. If you suffer from camel toe then take the size that’s comfortable rather than figure hugging.

#4: Do the sit test: When shopping for jeans, always sit down in the jeans to make sure they are comfortable and not cutting into the crotch. This is a great way to measure if the rise is too short for your figure that can lead to camel toe.

Another alternative ideal for swimwear is the Cuchini – Say No To Camel Toe!

Check out the following figure fixing jeans with a higher rise.

Not Your Daughter's Jeans 431 Straight-Leg Jeans - Black Classic

Jaeger Bootcut Jeans, Indigo £99

Mint Velvet Indigo Tencel Flare Jeans, Long Length, Indigo £59

Mint Velvet 70s Flare Jeans, Short Length, Latte £59

Written by: Sam Remer, who thankfully doesn’t suffer from Camel Toe.


Wizard Jeans Denim Clinic – A Great Success!

Sam & Sara – FitQueens (above) Wizard Jeans Denim Clinic – Fenwick Brent Cross.

Well we definitely caused a buzz in the classics department on level 2, Fenwick Brent Cross, offering customers a bespoke denim fitting service using Wizard jeans.

My first customer of the day was a lady of 85! Just goes to show you’re never too old to wear jeans! Our mission was to proove to customers that “Shopping for your shape” is key when buying jeans. Customers loved the attention of the fitting service and said it really was the only way to buy jeans successfully. The lucky customers got  free alterations on the day and a £10 voucher if they bought two pairs! The event boosted Wizard Jeans sales by 100% on the day!

If you would like a FitQueens fitting service for denim, bra’s & swimwear in your store please get in touch.

Welcome To Our First Fitting Service For Denim on 24th May @ Fenwicks Brent Cross.

Sara and I are really excited to kick-start FitQueens off with the Wizard Jeans Denim Clinic at Fenwicks Brent Cross, Classic Department, Level 2 . 0n 24th May, 11am to 3pm!

Come and visit us and get a bespoke fitting from the ilovejeans denim experts using Wizard Jeans.

If your a department store reading this, we can also organise a fitting event for you too! So please get intouch if your looking to boost sales and customer experience in the Lingerie, Swimwear & Denim departments.  There are so many reasons why women find it difficult to shop for these body concious items, don’t let poor service or lack of product knowledge be the reason why they walk  away empty handed!

Give FitQueens a go!